The Unsung Heroes of the Coronavirus Crisis




Amidst the chaos caused by the coronavirus crisis, people are scrambling to maintain a sliver of normalcy in their daily lives. With schools and public institutions closing down, social distancing and quarantines around the world have forced everyone into a state of isolation. Working from home has become the reality of many individuals in the affected areas of the globe. However, not everyone can afford the luxury of confinement. Healthcare providers and medical staff find themselves on the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19.


Sometimes thank yous are implied. Other times, our health workers are subject to the frustrations of the public. Be that as it may, it’s times like these when medical professionals need our words of encouragement and expressions of gratitude the most. They’re the unsung heroes of the coronavirus crisis. They risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones every day to provide infected patients with the help they require.


Numerous community members wish to give gifts or offer hugs and handshakes to express their thanks and appreciation. However nice of a gesture that might be, the truth is, we gotta stay vigilant to prevent the spread of this pandemic. So how can we help those in the frontlines without further jeopardizing their safety?


  1. Self-quarantine

This might seem like the most obvious course of action during this crisis. However, you’d be surprised at how many people discard this ‘rule’. A self-imposed quarantine is the best way you can actually help everyone, including yourself. You must have heard about flattening the curve by now. With no vaccine or apparent cure, social distancing and isolation remain our only hope in fighting this pandemic. It’s as simple as that.


You stay home, you prevent contracting and spreading the virus to other people. You might think that your immune system is strong enough to withstand the symptoms. And while that might be true for you, it’s not for the elderly. When you go out, you’re putting yourself at risk. Not only that, but you’re putting older people at risk too. People who don’t have the ability to fight the virus as well as you do. Spreading the virus, although unintentionally, also means more work for healthcare providers.


  1. Stay healthy

Medical teams are working tirelessly to provide the necessary care to their respective communities. So the best thing you can do to help is to maintain your health. Make sure you practice good hygiene as frequently as you are able to. Wash your hands several times for more than 90 seconds. Sanitize any canned goods you purchase. And wash your groceries thoroughly, with vinegar and water. You should also keep your shoes on a mat at your door. Use rubbing alcohol to wipe everything, from your doorknobs and handles to the packages delivered to your home.


Get your kids to wash their hands and sanitize as well. And always, always follow social distancing guidelines. This also means no hugs, handshakes, nor physical contact with other people. This is, knowingly, the best way to slow the tide of the virus. It’s also how you protect your family and loved ones, and how you help lessen the burden on healthcare providers.


  1. Offer to help take care of their children or pets

If you know any medical professionals who have children or pets, then you know how hard it is for them to manage both their jobs and family duties. Offering to help babysit or walk their dogs can be of tremendous help. They’re already under so much stress working 12 to even 15 hours per day. And with schools and daycare centers shut down, they experience double the stress trying to figure out the necessary arrangements. So having someone volunteer to take care of their kids and pets while they’re on the clock can be extremely beneficial. To show appreciation to the people who have always taken care of us and our loved ones, reach out and offer your help in these tough times.


  1. Donate to relevant charities and organizations

To help avoid contracting the virus, medical professionals must wear disposable scrub hats and gloves, surgical masks, and protective suits. In accordance with the situation at hand, the demand for such items has been increasingly high. Most hospitals and medical facilities find themselves understaffed and underequipped to face this pandemic.


With insufficient masks, scrub hats, and disposable clothes, healthcare teams are putting themselves even more at risk by treating patients with COVID-19. If you want to give back to these undervalued heroes, consider donating to the relevant organizations and charities. Many of which are currently set up to provide resources and medical supplies to healthcare workers.


  1. Express your gratitude virtually

Social media platforms are a great place to send your love, express your gratitude, and share heartfelt messages with medical professionals. Your words of encouragement matter, especially for healthcare workers who are already under so much stress and pressure. Nobody still working during these times should feel undervalued. Lest of all the individuals whom our wellbeing solely depends on.


A lot of people take their services and sacrifices for granted. Yet it shouldn’t take a pandemic to remind us to show our appreciation to those who’ve always put our needs before theirs. A simple appreciation post would go a long way to uplift the medical staff’s spirits and encourage them to fight the good fight.


  1. Order food for your local health providers

A great way to commend your local health providers and boost their spirits is by sending them food. This is a nice initiative that large companies and charitable organizations alike have taken up. Due to social distancing and isolation, dropping food off in person is not practical, nor recommended. Instead, you can make a call and get food delivered directly to medical institutions.


It’s a genuine gesture that will certainly warm their hearts. Many of these individuals work extremely long hours and don’t have time to cook or prepare meals in advance. So you can even go the extra mile and send food or groceries to their families and children if you know them personally or if they live in your neighborhood.

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